Sense and nonsense in systems thinking

Logical Positivist Pragmatic Empirical


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<create and use>          <represent>

Thinkers <observe & envisage> Phenomena

I have withdrawn my two books on Amazon.  

Because my more recent Linkedin articles (listed under three titles below) are better

Home page



Copy this link to find the articles below in Linkedin


A Systems Thinker’s view of Enterprise Architecture

A Systems Thinker’s view of

how we Describe the World

A Systems Thinker’s view of

Systems Thinking

A Systems Thinker’s view of



A remarkable overview and synthesis of ways we think and describe reality. Topics include typology, triadic relations, causality and systems. The book provides a philosophical basis for systems thinking.

This reviews how systems theories have evolved since the 1940s. It covers many approaches systems thinking, adding new insights.

This reviews what famous thinkers have said about social systems, adding new insights. It presents a logical and evidence-based analysis of modern social philosophy.


EA history

EA method history

Zachman’s framework

What TOGAF is and is not

The ISO 42010 standard

EA today

Positioning EA today

An architecture value stream

Architect roles

EA and systems thinking

System theories

System theories and EA

Service-orientation in EA and BA

EA vision and reality

EA domain insights

Enterprise business architecture

Enterprise data architecture


Description, reality and truth

Describing entity and event types

The problem of universals

An organic type theory


Triadic relations

From semiotics to systems thinking

The ISO 42010 standard

Peirce’s categories of being


Describing larger systems

Taxonomies and ontologies  

Dynamic system theories




Probability and predictability



The evolution of description



System theories

Feedback  Feedback & causality

A systems thinking triad

Famous systems thinkers

Ashby’s ideas

Beer’s ideas (long)

Forrester’s ideas

Meadows’ ideas

Ackoff’s ideas

More things to know

On “complex adaptive systems”

More things to know

What is not a system?

A systems thinking vocabulary


System theories


Ashby’s ideas

Comparing biology and sociology

Social systems thinking

Beer’s ideas (short)

Social entities and systems

Social systems thinking part I

Rules and violations part I

Social systems thinking part II

Rules and violations part II

Socio-cultural thinking

Social philosophy

The concepts of social justice

The politics of sexual equality

Impacts on society

Research and notes made while stumbling to the above

TOGAF as applied system theory

Premises of EA and TOGAF

EA and philosophy

Quality assurance systems (a rant)

Old notes

for philosophy

for mathematicians

More things to know about systems

What is not a system?

Disambiguating terms

Systems thinkers

Ackoff’s ideas

Ashby’s cybernetics

Ashby’s law of requisite variety

Beer’s ideas

Bertalanffy’s ideas





Thinkers before systems thinking

Systems in general

Social systems thinking – intro

Critical system thinking etc

Systems thinking vocabulary

Systems science or poetry?

The physics of systems

System coupling varieties

The problem of universals

System philosophy

Types and tokens

Knowledge and truth

A critique of realism

Existence in space and time

Relativity v quantum mechanics

Ontology and phenomenology

Logical positivism (Wittgenstein)

About life

Relevance of the above to EA

Boulding’s ideas

Checkland’s ideas

Clemson’s ideas

Forrester’s ideas

Meadows’ generalizations

Von Foerster’s ideas

Maturana’s ideas

Luhmann’s ideas

Snowden’s ideas

System change


System change


Hierarchical (v network) organisation

Chaos and non-linear behaviour

Predictability and probability


Description and reality

The 9 propositions idealism

Insights from the idealism triangle

System theory as idealism

Philosophical position statement

Insights from description theory

The psychology of description

The philosophy of description

Principles for a vocabulary

Data and reality – after Bill Kent

System change varieties

System stability and change

More ideas

On complexity science

General, information and description

Cybernetic ideas

Complexity science

Complexity measuremente

Complex adaptive systems

Complexity explained? – part 1

Complexity explained? – part 2

On description

On types and fuzziness

On information

On information & communication

Information feedback loops

Other information theories

Mental models and how brains work

The evolution of description

The evolution of description

The evolution of types and logic

The magic number seven

Research for description theory

Cybernetics intro

Second order cybernetics

Self-organising systems

Third generation cybernetics

More on dynamics

Applying cybernetics to business

General ideas


More sociological thinking

Entities and identities

Homeostasis and control

Hierarchies and lattices.

Idealisation in system theory

“the real machine”

the eternal golden braid

Abstraction varieties and typology

A type theory

The evolution of types

Types in different disciplines

How things instantiate types

Types and instances

Types and meta types

Taxonomies and ontologies

Types and instances – analysis

Set and type theory

Systems as complex types

Bausch’s overview

More sociological perspectives

Ackoff’s system classes

Marx and Engels’ ideas

System types

People types



More musings


The practical terminology challenge

Enterprise state data

Modelling madness.

Functionality  and  Logicality

Granularity  and  Modularity

Composition  and  Generalisation

Systems as abstractions

UML types and instances

Modelling the passage of time

Introducing system ideas

Holism and emergent properties


The primacy of behavior

Determinism and hysteresis

The elements of systems

Primacy of views

Terms and concepts in system

Anatomy of the reference model

Formalising system description



The schism



More references

Types and sets references

Laszlo and Krippner references

The schism in systems thinking

EA, GST and social system

Social entities v. social systems

Actors, roles and assignments


System thinkers dictionary - draft

System thinking ontology – draft


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