System Agility and Complexity

“There’s some great material here”

Agile development principles are older than programming

System modularisation patterns are older and broader than “object-oriented thinking”

Design tradeoffs related to decomposition and decoupling are eternal and universal

Balancing tradeoffs is more important than following uni-directional principles








Home page



Agile architecture

On the beginnings of agile

On agile software development

On agile businesses and systems

On systems thinking ideas used in agile

What is agile architecture?

EA in the world of agile architecture

Commentary on “Agile Architecture in the Digital Age”

Commentary on “SAFe


Older musings

Agile systems

The agility challenge

The need for adaptive architecture

Adaptive architecture techniques

Adaptive architecture FAQS

EA in an agile world

NewGen EA

Who joins up EA and Agile?

Related software architecture

General software theory & design tradeoffs

System coupling varieties *

SOA and the Bezos mandate *

Microservices *

Decoupling part 1 *

Decoupling part 2 *




Older musings

The fading of “object-oriented” thinking

The traditional SDLC

“The agile manifesto” and more

Valuing software over specification

Test-driven design

Agile development challenges


Complexity explained? – part 1

Complexity explained? – part 2 

Complex adaptive systems

How to measure complexity?

Measures of size and complexity

Measuring software productivity




Older musings

How encapsulation does not prevent knowledge sharing

On large persistent data structures and agility

Challenging assumptions

More is not better

Adaptive relaxed version control

Configuration management challenges

Agile documentation

·        Agile change management


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