EA history, perspectives and realities https://bit.ly/2QMCCFn

 “I always point… to your website [for] interesting, robust discussion and knowledge about Enterprise Architecture.”

“An astonishing collection built up over many years; an “h2g2.com” for Enterprise Architects” Business Intelligence Consultant


This page is a supplement to Avancier Methods practical advice on architecture processes and products.









Home page


EA history


Architecture frameworks

50 years of digital transformation and EA

Architecture framework history

Traditional EA

New Generation EA

What is EA not?

EA pitfalls

What is an architecture framework?


More EA history

EA in the 11th century

EA in the 1950s - before IT

EA in the 1980s - the PRISM paper

On the Zachman Framework

TOGAF history and EA observations

How does TOGAF define EA?

EA history in US government

Past and present views of EA

EA perspectives


Popular papers

Enterprise and solution architecture

Agile Architecture

Other enterprise architecture challenges

Business architecture: roles


EA rationale & challenges

Get real: EA is political

  Who values the “enterprise as a system”?

  Effective implementation of business goals

  Simplification and cross-organisational integrity

  Return on investment in systems 

  IT cost cutting

  Reduction of operational or change risk

  Increased business and IT agility

  Focus on process rather than organisation

  Where EA sits in the business


Other perspectives of EA

EA as a design/change process  

EA as abstract system description 

EA as portfolio management

EA as rationalisation

EA as strategy (after Ross etc.)

EA as cybernetics 

EA realities


Applications architecture

EA challenges case study

Portfolio management challenges

Application road maps

Application portfolio

Buy v. build decisions

For more, go to

AM Products and Techniques


Architecture tools

The best EA tool?

Why do you need a repository?

A process for creating a repository

Ten repository challenges

Little-discussed tool selection criteria

The state of the repository art

Facts and conclusions from experience


EA meta models

A generic meta model (slides)

Four meta model pics

EA meta models: older comparison

EA meta models: newer comparison



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