Terms and concepts in system description and EA

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The essential conclusions of this paper are expressed more graphically in this slide show.

This is one of several background research papers that arose out of research done in 2008 for a BCS architecture reference model.

It identifies comparable terms and concepts in various EA approaches.


Enterprise system elements (recap) 1

Mapping the four generic elements to the three generic domains/layers. 3

Service-orientation in TOGAF, ArchiMate and BCS reference models. 3

Beware ambiguities in how architects use these words. 4

A taxonomy of system elements. 6

How to document the four system elements in practice?. 8

Appendix: other sources. 8


Enterprise system elements (recap)

The word “architect” comes from the Greek “master builder”, and in enterprise and solution architecture, the buildings are “systems”.

“Enterprise architecture regards the enterprise as a system, or system of systems” (TOGAF)

Architecture descriptions are formal descriptions of a system.” (ArchiMate® 2.1 Specification, The Open Group.)


Two fundamental system modelling premises are set out in UML 2.1:

1.      “all behavior in a modeled system is ultimately caused by actions executed by so-called “active” objects”

2.      “behavioral semantics only deal with event-driven, or discrete, behaviors


Enterprise architecture is about activity systems that are:

·         event-driven, and composed of

·         actors (structural elements) that communicate and cooperate in

·         activities (behavioural elements) and maintain information about  the

·         state of those actors and activities


The table below presents a conceptual framework of generic system elements.



Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of

External view

requirements of

external entities


each encapsulates the processing

of a discrete event or service request.


each is a facade that presents

services for access by clients

Internal view

the workings of

the system


each comprises one or more activities that

respond to an event or meet a service request.


each is a subsystem that

performs process steps.


One architect’s whole system is another’s component in a wider system, so this model can be applied at any level of granularity.

There is a fifth kind of system element: an object: an item or structure that is used, moved or made by processes.


It is impossible to prescribe a human activity system as far as a computer activity system must be prescribed.

However, similar principles apply, and key system elements in a restaurant might be naively illustrated as below.


Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of

External view

Menu item requests


Internal view

Ordering, Cooking, Serving, Paying

Waiters, Cooks, Ovens


(If a waiter is nothing but a facade that presents a menu and conveys service requests, then waiters might be placed alongside the menus.)


Most of the core concepts in the ArchiMate modelling language can be placed in the ArchiMate/BCS grid thus.

ArchiMate/BCS grid

Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of

External view

requirements of

external entities

Business Service

Application Service

Infrastructure Service.

Business Interface

Application Interface

Infrastructure Interface

Internal view

the workings of

the system

Business Process

Application Function

Infrastructure Function

Business Role, Actor

Application Component

System Software, Node


Most of TOGAF’s core “building blocks” can be placed in the ArchiMate/BCS grid thus.


Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of

External view

requirements of

external entities

Business Service

IS Service

Platform Service

Internal view

the workings of

the system

Business Process

Function, Organisation, Role, Actor

Application Component

Technology Component


(The ambiguous placement of the word “function” in the two grids above turns out to be little unfortunate in teaching structured analysis.)

Mapping the four generic elements to the three generic domains/layers

EA frameworks specialise the four generic system elements above, giving them different names in each enterprise architecture domain/layer.

The terms shown below are a compromise between different EA frameworks.

Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of


External event

External entity


Business service

Business interface

Business process

Business function, Organisation unit

Role, Actor



Information system service

Application interface

Application process

Business application

Data store, Data entity



Platform service

Platform interface

Platform process

Platform component


Note that a “use case” is an application process (with main and alternative paths) encapsulated in an information system service.

Service-orientation in TOGAF, ArchiMate and BCS reference models

The term “service-oriented architecture” (SOA) has been fashionable since the turn of the century, but means different things to different people.

The word “service” is used loosely and variously as a synonym for other system elements (process, function, component, interface etc.).

However, service is a distinct architectural entity in the ontologies and reference models of TOGAF, ArchiMate and the BCS.

1.      TOGAF: “an element of behaviour that provides specific functionality in response to requests from actors or other services”

2.      Also: “a logical representation of a repeatable business activity, has a specified outcome, is self-contained, is a ‘‘black box’’ to its consumers.”

3.      ArchiMate: “a unit of functionality that a system exposes to its environment, hides internal operations, provides a value, accessible through interfaces.”


In other words, a service is a discrete unit of behaviour that encapsulates processes and produces a result for its service requester/consumer.


A discrete unit of behaviour

that encapsulates


and produces a result

for its service requester/consumer


An element of behaviour


specific functionality


in response to requests



self-contained black box

repeatable business activity

specified outcome

to its consumers


A unit

hides internal

operations / functionality

provides a value

exposes to its environment


See this slide show for examples and discussion of services in TOGAF and ArchiMate.

Beware ambiguities in how architects use these words

Different sources use the same words with different meanings.

E.g. The Web Services Definition Language is an Interface Definition Language which names external concepts as shown below.


Behavioural view

Structural view

External view


= Operation


= Service

Internal view



= Address only


The terms service and interface are used with various meanings other than the first two below.

What we call a

Others may call a



For example in



A contract, or signature only, for invoking processes to deliver a desired result

Menu item

ArchiMate and TOGAF examples above



A structure that defines (and perhaps offers) several services of the first kind.


A WSDL file



A structure that offers services of the first kind, a broker to service providers.



Data flow


A data structure passed from sender to receiver.


TOGAF’s application communication diagram

(Logical) protocol


Rules used to convey data flows, over channels.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

(Physical) channel


Medium used convey data flows, using protocols.


A cable connecting two computers



Any component that sits behind a published interface.


A "Microservice"

Available app


The availability of an application to users, provided by IT operations.



SLA contract

Service, Interface

Whatever services are listed in a contractual document.




Aside on abuse of ArchiMate symbols for “service” and “interface”

The common practice is draw whatever architecture diagram you think will communicate your meaning to your reader.

This not only makes the language standard irrelevant to that particular use, it hinders the education of some architects about architecture concepts.
Our courses set out to educate architects about core architectural concepts (component, process, service, interface etc.) much as per the ArchiMate standard.

Architects on the course show me diagrams that are inefficient communication vehicles, e.g. they connect 1 Component to 1 Service throughout.

Why? They might think a Component is a Service, or use the Service symbol when they mean Interface, or simply copy another's misleading diagram style.

But all they really want to do is tell the support engineer which applications are deployed on which nodes – which makes the Service/Interface boxes completely redundant.
Sadly, these architects' practical experience of reading and writing ArchiMate diagrams makes it harder to educate them instead of easier!


The terms function and process are used with various meanings other than the first two below.

What we call a

Others may call a


For example in



a component or chunk of business capability

TOGAF-style structured analysis.



a logical step-by-step sequence of actions

UML activity diagram, flow chart



an outcome or purpose of a system




an instance of a program running on a compute

in the “Task Manager” on your lap top


Transaction: any request-reply exchange, including ones that encompass a long-term business process.

Transaction: a success or commit unit acting on data resources.


Actor: a type - a role (e.g. barber, customer, supplier) inside or outside a system.

Actor: an instance - an individual who plays a role (my barber, me, you), inside or outside a system.


Outcome: a product – an output from a bounded process or system (a hair cut from a barber shop).

Outcome: an aim – a purpose of the external entity that receives the product or output (look smarter).

A taxonomy of system elements

A thing is a part of the universe that can be described as discrete, separable from the rest of the universe.

The things of interest to architects include working systems and system elements.

Architects are part of a meta system whose role is to describe and change systems.

This graphic illustrates the triangular relationship between architects, systems and system descriptions.

Three kinds of thing


<create and use>                 <idealise>

Architects      <observe and envisage>  System elements


It is impossible to impose a single perfect hierarchical structure on all the terms and concepts of interest here.

But people do find it easier to manage things organised in a hierarchical structure.

So, don’t think of the ontological structure below as “right”, it is only a tool to assist understanding.


System element: a unit of an operational system that can be described.

Structural element: a unit of what a system is made of.

Active structural element: a structural element that can be asked to do work.

Component: a subsystem that can perform one or more process steps. It can be related to other components by requesting or delivering services. It can be replaced by any other component with the same interface(s). It is sometimes called a building block.

Interface: a façade component that presents services for access by other components. It encapsulates any internal components needed to deliver the services.

Passive structural element: a structural element that is acted upon.

Object: an item or structure that is used, moved or made. E.g. a data item, data structure, or any kind of structural component.

Location: a place where components and interfaces are found and work is done.

Behavioural element: a unit of what a system does.

Service: the external view of the processing that responds to a singular event or service request.


Process: one or more activities, triggered by an event or service request, that ends by producing a desired effect. It is performed by one or more components. A process is described or defined as a sequence of actions or instructions under a logical control flow.

How to document the four system elements in practice?

We could model a system by documenting the four system elements separately, with cross-references.

This table shows references that trace the edges of the square.

ArchiMate/BCS grid

Behavioural view

What a system does

Structural view

What a system is made of

External view

requirements of

external entities


Found in interfaces >

The result of a process



 < Declares services

Provided/required by components


Internal view

the workings of

the system


Wrapped in a service

Requires Actors/Components >



Provides/requires interfaces

 < Performs processes



But we often don’t document the elements separately.

Because it is often convenient to document one element within another.

In practice, the elements are documented in various aggregate documents

·         A component definition includes or names one or more component interfaces.

·         An interface definition names one or more services (defined separately).

·         A component definition includes or names one or more performable processes.

·         A process can be defined as a use case, which wraps up the process flow inside a service contract.


Document templates are proposed in this paper.

Appendix: other sources

Other architecture description concepts

There is an International Standard for “Systems and software engineering — Architecture description” (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011).

It takes no position on what a system is (see above) but does declare an architecture description shall include the following contents:

·         identification and overview of the description

·         stakeholders and their concerns

·         an architecture view, composed of architecture models for each architecture viewpoint used

·         a definition for each architecture viewpoint used

·         correspondences and inconsistencies among the description’s required contents

·         rationales for architecture decisions made.


Note that this list of architecture description features is not a document template; the verb include allows for references between documents.

Other ontologies

Many attempts to build a controlled vocabulary suffer from one or more issues below.

·         Authors assign meanings to words, rather than words to meanings.

·         Authors suggest 1 to 1 relationships between concepts that are really many to many relationships.

·         Authors confuse structural elements (actors or components) with behavioural elements (activities or processes).

·         Authors wrongly believe that arranging terms in a class hierarchy will ensure a coherent vocabulary.

·         The meta model of the vocabulary - if there is one - is incomprehensible without deep study.


Looking at the terminology used in well-known sources:

·         TOGAF is poor; synonyms and homonyms abound; terms are used with multiple meanings.

·         ArchiMate has a promising generic meta model, but doesn’t follow it through thoroughly.

·         DoDAF makes an earnest and concerted attempt to define a coherent vocabulary, but falls short of UML.

·         UML looks the best of the bunch – but is incomprehensible without deep study.


The UML meta model is probably more thoroughly worked out because it is closer to where the rubber hits the road - testable systems.

UML started as an object-oriented program design language, and still suffers a little from a bias in that direction.

However, UML is the only source to point out that all our models assume systems are driven by discrete events.

If your architectural vocabulary is not based on the concept of a discrete event or service, it doesn’t have a solid foundation.


These papers suggest that a global architecture vocabulary should start at the basic level of general system theory.



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