DoDAF terms and concepts, and issues with them



For reasons outlined below, I find the idea of people being mandated to conform to DM2 perturbing.


What does it mean to use DoDAF?. 1

DM2 terms and concepts. 1

Issues with DM2 terms and concepts. 2

Notes on relations between concepts. 3


What does it mean to use DoDAF?

I have heard people say they are using DoDAF but go on to say they are using

·         TOGAF for the architecture development process and/or

·         UML or ArchiMate for the diagrams.


So in what sense are they using DoDAF?
Surely it must mean that they are using the DoDAF Meta-Model - DM2?

DM2 terms and concepts

DM2 provides a vocabulary of architectural entity types.

It can be found in DoD Architecture Framework Version 2.02 <>


The DM2 meta model is based on a class hierarchy of generalisation relations.

Concepts in this meta model are defined as below.


DoDAF definition

Closest equivalent in BCS ESA ref. model

Activity: Work, not specific to a single organization, weapon system or individual that transforms inputs (Resources) into outputs (Resources) or changes their state


Agreement: A consent among parties regarding the terms and conditions of activities that said parties participate in


Architectural Description: Information describing an architecture such as an OV-5b Operational Activity Model


Capability: The ability to achieve a Desired Effect under specified (performance) standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means (activities and resources) to perform a set of activities.


Condition: The state of an environment or situation in which a Performer performs.


Constraint: The range of permissible states for an object.


Data: Representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means: Examples could be whole models, packages, entities, attributes, classes, domain values, enumeration values, records, tables, rows, columns, and fields.


Desired Effect: The result, outcome, or consequence of an action (activity)


Guidance: An authoritative statement intended to lead or steer the execution of actions.


Information: The state of a something of interest that is materialized -- in any medium or form -- and communicated or received.

Data flow

Location: A point or extent in space that may be referred to physically or logically


Materiel: Equipment, apparatus or supplies that are of interest, without distinction as to its application for administrative or combat purposes


Measure: The magnitude of some attribute of an individual


Measure Type: A category of Measures


Organization: A specific real-world assemblage of people and other resources organized for an on-going purpose

Organisation / Unit

Performer: Any entity - human, automated, or any aggregation of human and/or automated - that performs an activity and provides a capability

Role / Actor

Person Type: A category of persons defined by the role or roles they share that are relevant to an architecture


Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create Resources or Desired Effects

Programme / Project

Resource: Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed


Rule: A principle or condition that governs behavior; a prescribed guide for conduct or action


Service: A mechanism to enable access to a set of one or more capabilities, where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with constraints and policies as specified by the service description; the mechanism is a Performer; the capabilities accessed are Resources -- Information, Data, Materiel, Performers, and Geopolitical Extents


Skill: The ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc, to do something well


Standard: A formal agreement documenting generally accepted specifications or criteria for products, processes, procedures, policies, systems, and/or personnel


System: A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly interacting or interdependent elements


Vision: An end that describes the future state of the enterprise, without regard to how it is to be achieved; a mental image of what the future will or could be like.


Issues with DM2 terms and concepts

People who know system modelling concepts already will read their previous understanding into the DM2 text.

But I doubt the DM2 text will explain the concepts to anybody who doesn't know the concepts already through years of experience and training outside of DoDAF.


The DM2 meta model is based on a class hierarchy of generalisation relations, which looks like an academic fantasy to me.

Oddly, there is no multiple inheritance, though things in the real worlds can be instances of many types (see other Avancier papers).


One longs for a proper meta model, with more usefully annotated association relations (see last section).

Some association relations are deducible from the definitions above, some are one-to-one associations.


DM2 seems badly written.

E.g. two consecutive sentences:

·         "Services are activities done by a Service provider (Performer) to achieve desired results for a Service consumer (other Performer)."

·         "A Service is a type of Performer which means that it executes an activity and provides a capability."


So is a service is an activity, or a performer of activities, or both?

Is it both a transient behavioural process and a persistent structural component?

Here are three DoDAF definitions:

·         Capability: The ability to achieve a Desired Effect … through…activities and resources… to perform a set of activities.

·         Desired Effect: The result, outcome, or consequence of an activity.

·         Activity: Work… that transforms inputs (Resources) into outputs (Resources) or changes their state.


If 1 Capability is the ability to achieve 1 Desired Effect, and 1 Desired Effect is the outcome of 1 Activity.

Then does 1 Capability correspond to 1 Activity?


Another definition:

·         Resource: Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed.


In what sense is human Performer produced or consumed?

Aren’t many resources maintained, rather than being produced or consumed?


Another definition:

·         Performer: Any entity … that performs an activity and provides a capability.


Is this an Individual or a Type?

Notes on relations between concepts



Visions are realized by Desired Effects (e.g., objectives).

A Project has Desired Effects (e.g., goals).

A Project consists of several or many Activities (e.g., Tasks).

Desired Effects (e.g., goals) guide/drive Activities



A Capability entails performance of Activities (Tasks), as so stated in the CJCSI 3170.

A Capability is realized by one or more Performers (including configurations of Performer)

Capabilities have Desired Effects, as so stated in the CJCSI 3170.



A Service provides access to Performers.



Performers perform Activities. (This distinguishes Performers from their superclass, Resources.)

Performers perform at Locations.

A Person Type can be part of a System, (e.g., a radar operator or, more generally, in a cybernetic sense).

Person Types have Skills.



Activities are performed in accordance with Rules (e.g., Controls in IDEF0).

A Rule applies to an Activity under certain Conditions, (e.g., Rules of Engagement may vary dependent on threat Conditions).

The consumption or production of Resources by Activities is subject to Rules, (e.g., the Information Assurance Rules that are part of the OV-3).

The performance of Activities by Performers is subject to Rules.

Even though Rules constrain Activities, there may be tailoring for the performance of those Activities by specific Performers.


An Activity is performable under certain Conditions, (e.g., the Conditions applicable to Tasks in the UJTL).

An Activity is performed by a Performer under certain Conditions.

The performance of Activities as part of a Capability is done under certain Conditions, as so stated in the CJCSI 3170.


Activities result in effects on Effect Objects (Resources), i.e., a cause-effect chain.

An Activity consumes or produces Resources. Those Resources can be Materiel, Information, Data, Geo-Political, or other Performers.

When the production and consumption is of Information or Data, the DoDAF V1.5 OV-3, OV-5, SV-4, SV-6, and others are partially represented.



Information describes a thing.

Information Pedigree is a type of Information that describes the production of Information (resources) by Activities, their Performers, and the Rules, Conditions, and Measures that apply to that information production.

Materiel can be part of a System, the parts and equipment that are part of a System.



A Condition

A Resource (e.g., mass, size).

A Project (e.g., time, cost).

Desired Effects

An Activity (e.g., how long it takes.).

The effect on Effect Objects by Activities.

The Skills of a Person Type (e.g., Skill level of a Person Type.

The performance of Activities by Performers (Additional to Activities’ Measures).

The performance of Activities under certain Conditions (e.g., the Measure Types applicable to Tasks [Activities] in the UJTL).

The performance of Activities as part of a Capability (metrics) for their performance, as so stated in the CJCSI 3170.

The consumption and production of Resources by Activities (e.g., the Timeliness and Size measures that are part of the OV-3).


Measurements are done in accordance with Rules, (e.g., Rules that specify how test measurement equipment must be calibrated before a test).

Measures can be categorized into Measure Types.